This website is designed to be accessible to most people, regardless of their individual abilities.
To the greatest extent possible, this site conforms to WCAG2.2 Level AA guidelines, which means that its content (text and images) is perceivable and operable by people with disabilities.
All content should be accessible to those with disabilities. And yet, we are a long ways from that. A recent study by StatCan revealed that 27 percent of Canadians live with a disability. In the United States, the same exact percentage of people have a disability, amounting to almost 70 million people in both countries.
A few important points:
- Web accessibility means real social inclusion for everyone, including those with various disabilities.
- The web is a radical approach to information and knowledge sharing: it removes barriers to communications by its very nature.
- Accessibility for websites means that disability matters, period.
- Web accessibility provides a means for your ideas, your services, your products to reach as many as possible.
- Accessibility happens to be good for all users of the web by increasing usability, readability and comprehension.
- Society is aging and we all will increasingly need easier access to information.
- Those in rural and remote areas of the world also benefit from web accessibility, as pages are built with usability and speed in mind.
- Access to the web is considered a human right in Article 21 of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
This website aims to be accessible to most people by doing the following:
- Code and structure conform to Level AA guidelines of Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.2
- Content adheres to the Four Principles of Accessibility or POUR (Perceivable, Operable, Understandable and Robust)
- Text alternatives are provided for all images so that people who are blind can read what the images contain
- As well, text content is large and clear
- There is sufficient contrast between text and background to make sure content is legible and readable
- A visitor can use a keyboard to navigate the site
- The site features no animation or flashing and navigation is consistent and clear
- In general, content is written to be easily understood and it is created semantically so that elements like headings, paragraph copy and captions work as expected by visitors
- The site presents well and is viewable easily on all kinds of devices, including desktops, laptops, mobile phones and tablets
If you have any questions about this site’s accessibility, any suggestions or recommendations about making it more accessible, or any issues with accessing the site’s content, please don’t hesitate to let me know by sending an email to the address below. I would appreciate your feedback.